

Improve Sleep & Decrease Anxiety

Neurofeedback is a guided exercise for the brain that is holistic, all-natural, and 100% non-invasive. It teaches your brain how to make more of the perfect processing speed and less of the too fast-processing speed.

Those who struggle with anxiety make too much fast-processing speed called High Beta. When you live in high High Beta you can feel anxiousness, irritability, or overwhelm, you react instead of respond and need something to calm your brain.

Some turn to favorite game, a favorite show, a nap, or a drink to “release” those feelings of overwhelm. In overwhelm, your brain makes a slower processing speed which causes exhaustion, overwhelm, and boredom.

When this happens, our brains are using the 2 extreme speeds (too fast AND too slow.) Brains that use the extreme sides of processing speeds are fatigued, exhausted, burnt out and cannot get restorative sleep.

Through neurofeedback, we bring the extreme speeds down and we bump up the perfect processing speeds that promote calm and focus, giving the brain a better, healthier pattern to follow.

Want to hear more about this? Call us or send us an email! We would love to talk with you. No-obligation!

Anxiety and the Pandemic

This past year has been difficult in a lot of ways no matter your age. Our normalcy has been stolen from us and has profoundly affected the way we will live from here on out. The pandemic has squashed the entire concept of consistency and structure for everyone. And with the year we’ve just had, every one has experienced harm to their brain. Fear has caused harm to our brain in major ways.

What is right? What is wrong? What is real? Who do we believe?

Studies* show that anxiety is on the rise because of these unprecedented times and we want to reverse that harm! Our brains have experienced a strange time over the last year. And those who had the anxiety brain pattern before COVID-19 have been building on an already unhealthy pattern.

Patterns do not go away. They only get worse with time and added stress. The brain runs every thing psychologically. The fear and stress of the pandemic have increased the likelihood of anxiety brain patterns and caused a massive decline in our mental health.

Join us in promoting mental health and healthy brain patterns! We want to help you reverse the harm we have all experienced in the last year.

Call us today to learn more about it!

*A few studies mentioned above:

Neurofeedback & Medication: Q & A

  • Do I have to stop my medication to get a qEEG (Brain Map) done?

At Chattanooga BrainCore, we are certified in neurofeedback. We cannot professionally tell anyone to stop any medications that are prescribed by your doctor. Always contact your doctor if you have questions regarding medications and stopping those medications. However, to answer this questions specifically, you do not have to stop any medications in order to get a map done.

Believe it or not, the brain will show us the pattern regardless of medications.
Think of medications as a bandage. While they cover up the injury (or pattern), underneath the injury is still there. Bandages can be important to the healing process, helping to defend against infection or dirt, but the bandage itself does not do the healing.

Your map is not void if taking medication, or the lack of.

  • Can I be on medication during my neurofeedback training?

Yes. Just as answered above, the pattern is still there underneath the medication. The medication only aids in symptom management and not in healing. Neurofeedback changes brain patterns. And again, always consult your doctor when switching or changing dosage or type of medication.

Neurofeedback can be successful whether you are on medication or not.

  • Will I ever come off my medication?

In a perfect world, that is our goal! With every visit, your brain produces a graph of training. We monitor those graphs every week, over the course of your time with us. We may suggest talking with your doctor to titrate medications or change them, depending on what speeds your brain is producing. We look for progress in the brain by these graphs and monitoring to make sure we are bringing the slow speeds down and the calm focus speeds up. Together, we will go over the graphs with you periodically so you can see the changes too!

We have had many patients who were on medications for their symptoms that came down on milligrams, or came off medication all together! Remember we aren’t just covering the symptoms, we are re-training the speeds in the brain in order to alleviate the symptoms, and therefore the need for medication. But again, we cannot stress enough, that we are not the experts on medications. You must always contact your doctor when thinking about titrating or stopping medications.

  • Can you talk to my doctor for me?

In a way, yes! Dr. Hamilton welcomes professional relationships with other doctors, especially those who are in care with us! Once you sign a release, she would also be happy to speak with your doctor and/or equip you with tools and suggestions of how to speak with your doctor about neurofeedback and how that affects you!

Neurofeedback is a process. You have to trust the process! It’s not a magical healing overnight. If you stick with it and follow our recommendations, it can be life changing!

If you are interested in starting neurofeedback, or starting with an evaluation, please call or email us! We would love to answer any questions and get you scheduled.

Hebb's Law

Hebb’s Law is the law that when neurons fire together, they wire together. In a less scientific example, birds of a feather, flock together.

Your brains creates neural pathways as it works throughout the day. When using the anxiety pattern, you are hardwiring that pattern in! The more you continue in that pattern, the more you hardwire it.

Think of it as a road. When the brain is using an anxiety pattern, it is off course, or "off-roading.” And according to Hebb’s Law, the brain is memorizing that off-road course.

But what can hurt you (Hebb’s Law) is also the key to success! You can create a new path that produces calm and focus! We have to get back to the main road and our brains can start to memorize the new way.

Our brain can actually FORGET the anxiety off-road pattern by getting back on the right road! Amazing!

So how do we get our brain to recognize the right road?


Through our BrainCore software and custom protocols for each patient, the brain can teach itself! The computer aids the brain in reducing the excessive fast speeds and increasing the calm, focus speeds, therefore eliminating the anxiety pattern.

You can chart a whole new course for your life. There is truly nothing like this!