Consistency and structure has returned. While this is still an unprecedented time, we have learned and adapted to the “new normal". The new normal has brought forward a comfort of old routines, but it has also brought the true effects of the pandemic out. Whether through school-aged kids noticing struggles of completing tasks or anxieties they didn’t have before, or adults having a tough time with focus and attention to detail or anxiety. Perhaps, you are struggling to even return to this new normal!
The new normal has shown the lasting effects of social distance, increased screen time (whether through work and school OR pleasure,) and the fear of the unknown has affected the brain! The brain has become dysregulated. We are passionate at Chattanooga BrainCore to help those who are struggling through their dysregulated brain pattern!
Think about it this way. You have injured your toe, yet you don’t want to seek help because “it’s not that bad.” You continue walking, perhaps with a limp, going about your day. In a week’s time, it’s not any better. In fact, it has doubled in size and is a beautiful shade of purple. You elevate it, stay off your feet, soak it in epsom salt, etc. It starts to look better, but the pain is still present. A month later, you can barely walk. You finally see a doctor, and they say, “YOUR TOE IS BROKEN. This could not heal properly on it’s own. You should have sought help when this first caused pain because now the recovery is a much longer road.”
Just like in that example, the lasting effects of not seeking help when you are struggling is planning for a longer road of recovery. If left alone, brain patterns cannot heal themselves. They only worsen with time! Dysregulated brains are not functioning optimally. Through neurofeedback, we can teach the brain how to heal itself and rid you of the negative symptoms you may be experiencing in you or your family’s daily life.