
Hebb's Law

Hebb’s Law is the law that when neurons fire together, they wire together. In a less scientific example, birds of a feather, flock together.

Your brains creates neural pathways as it works throughout the day. When using the anxiety pattern, you are hardwiring that pattern in! The more you continue in that pattern, the more you hardwire it.

Think of it as a road. When the brain is using an anxiety pattern, it is off course, or "off-roading.” And according to Hebb’s Law, the brain is memorizing that off-road course.

But what can hurt you (Hebb’s Law) is also the key to success! You can create a new path that produces calm and focus! We have to get back to the main road and our brains can start to memorize the new way.

Our brain can actually FORGET the anxiety off-road pattern by getting back on the right road! Amazing!

So how do we get our brain to recognize the right road?


Through our BrainCore software and custom protocols for each patient, the brain can teach itself! The computer aids the brain in reducing the excessive fast speeds and increasing the calm, focus speeds, therefore eliminating the anxiety pattern.

You can chart a whole new course for your life. There is truly nothing like this!